“A real person of prayer should be a ‘live wire,’ a link between God’s grace and the world that needs it… the one human spirit can, by its power and love, touch and change another human spirit, it can take a soul and lift it into the atmosphere of God…”

– Evelyn Underhill

It is the privilege of every Christian to pray for those in any sort of need. At St. Thomas, we have two different principal means of organizing our prayers for those in need, the Prayer Chain and Prayer List. The Prayer List is then also lived out in our liturgical and worship life through the Prayers of the People in the mass.

Prayer Chain


For anyone who needs timely and confidential prayer, the Parish also maintains a confidential prayer-chain. Members of the prayer chain confidentially receive the names and needs of those who are submitted, and pray a novena (nine days of prayer) for that need. Contact the Prayer Chain co-ordinator to make a confidential prayer request (prayerchain@stthomaseustis.org)


Prayer List


We are pleased to regularly intercede for the needs of the world. To that end, we maintain a prayer list with different categories of persons for whom we are praying. We pray for members in good standing who are celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, or are travelling. We also pray for members in good standing who are in any sort of need. Those who are not members in good standing, whether due to inactivity, or because they have never been directly connected with our parish, are prayed for on our extended family list. Finally those who have ongoing, permanent needs, are cycled through on our continuing prayer list.

If you would like a name added to the prayer list, please submit their name to the office, confirm that you have their permission to pray for them publicly if you are not requesting prayer for yourself, and provide contact information so we can follow up. Names are removed after four weeks if no updates are provided.

The names of all those for whom we have been asked to pray are printed in our Sunday bulletins, so that every parishioner may take the list home, and during the week lift before God those who have sought the prayers of his Church.