St. Thomas Music Staff
Music is a priority at St. Thomas. A new Rodgers 351T Organ was installed in early 2022, and a Royal School of Church Music program was started in September 2022 to provide supplemental musical instruction and catechesis for youth serving in the choir.
Musicians at St. Thomas help lead the congregation in singing hymns, service music, and psalms Sunday after Sunday, and also help prepare anthems and other choral presentations and special events.

Joseph T. Parr
Director of Music
St. Thomas Office Staff
The Office at St. Thomas co-ordinates all administrative matters of the parish, including especially maintaining records and communicating with parishioners as well as friends and others connected with the parish. The Office is managed by the Administrative Assistant to the Rector who co-ordinates numerous calendars of events, and prepares communications on the Rector’s behalf. Throughout the week several volunteers assist in answering the phones, collating, folding, and stapling worship resources, and generally ensuring that the Rector’s time is spent focused on prayer, pastoral care, study and sermon preparation, and less on administration.
If you contact the office or pop in for a visit when it is open, you will be greeted by one of the office staff or volunteers who may assist you in connecting with the Rector, or anyone else you need to in the parish.

Carey DeLibro
Administrative Assistant
to the Rector & Office Manager

Margaret Emerson
Office Volunteer

Diane Squire
Office Volunteer

Diane Mullen
Office Volunteer

Gail Carlson
Office Volunteer
The Treasury Team
The Treasurers are appointed by the Vestry on an annual basis to maintain the parish finances. They handle all offerings as well as payments made to vendors, and provide assistance in budget preparation and planning.

Jack Geeslin

Leslie Waters
Assistant Treasurer

Carey DeLibro
Assistant Treasurer
The parish sexton is charged with keeping the parish buildings prepared for meetings. The sexton does regular inspections of the buildings and grounds to inform the Junior Warden and Buildings and Grounds team if there are any maintenance issues, as well as helping to ensure spaces are tidy, presentable, and appropriately set up for use.

Carol Ann Luche
The Head of the Altar Guild and person in charge of the Sacristy where the sacred vessels of the Church are stored, along with linens, paraments, and all other moveable objects needed for use in our worship together. The Sacristan maintains teams of altar guild volunteers who manage these weekly duties, and who gather on occasion for instruction, and also to undertake major cleaning, mending, or organizational projects.

Mary Shriner
The AV Team
In 2022, a new audio-visual system was installed in the church alongside major electrical renovations to improve the lighting system. The new camera and sound system generally uses two volunteers to run the livestream and run the sound board provides a clear recording of most major services at St. Thomas. In-person, the modern lighting and sound-system allows excellent quality to facilitate everyone seeing and hearing what is happening. The camera system also allows live-streaming as an aid to worship for those who are shut in or otherwise unable to attend in-person. The recordings also provide an opportunity for guests to get a better sense of what our Sunday worship is like. Copyright permitting, concerts and other special events are also recorded and streamed.

Eduardo Collazo

Stephen Luche