These stones shall be to the Israelites a memorial forever.
- Joshua 4:7
Since the earliest days of the faith, memorials have been established to commemorate the faithfulness of God. In 1882, the cornerstone for St. Thomas Episcopal Church was laid. For our 140th anniversary, a new plaque is being unveiled near the main doors of the Church, and close to that original cornerstone. More than just a memorial of metal, our 140th anniversary Bazaar will be a time of family fun for the whole community!
140th Anniversary Bazaar
The Bazaar is scheduled for 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday, October 29th, 2022. The dedication of the new plaque will take place at 10:00 AM. Local and state dignitaries have been invited to attend, alongside local businesses, schools, and all members of the public. There will be a number of events and activities throughout the day, details of which are provided below. Vendors will be set up in the St. Thomas Parking Lot, however parking will be available in the Eustis Elementary School Parking Lot to the north of the Church.
Church Tours
Tours of St. Thomas’s beautiful and historic sanctuary and campus, led by long time parishioners in period costumes, will begin at 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM in front of the church doors. The Church will otherwise be open for the curious to see our lovely and history church building.
Scarecrow Contest
A Scarecrow Contest with cash prizes?! Heck, yeah! Please fill out the attached flyer with entry information. The scarecrows will be on display in front of our Thrift Shop. Three distinguished judges will announce the winners at 1:30. Even if you didn’t enter, check out these newfangled scarecrows! For more information, or to make an entry into the contest, please contact the St. Thomas Office. $10/entry, entry registration and fees must be submitted to the St. Thomas Office by October 12th, and Scarecrows delivered the day Bazaar between 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM, judging begins at 11:00 AM. First Prize is $200.
St. Thomas Thrift Shop
Our most beautifully appointed Thrift Shop and Boutique will be open and decorated for the coming holidays. This is a must-see! Click here more information on the St. Thomas Thrift Shop. The Thrift Shop will be open for the whole duration of the Bazaar.
Vendor Mall
The St. Thomas Parking Lot will be transformed into a small market for local vendors for the duration of the Bazaar. There is space for 60 10'x10' stalls. If you are interested in setting up shop, please contact the St. Thomas Office to sign up by October 15th.
Live Auction
A live auction will be held at 10:30am in front of the Parish Hall on Lemon Street. 20+ high end items will be auctioned. Come out and bid on an item you have always wanted.
Parish Pantry
Our Parish Pantry, located in the Parish Hall, will sell homemade baked goodies and homemade jellies. Folks come from far and wide seeking these tasty treats….IYKUK!
Christmas Tree Gift Card Raffle
A lovely little Christmas Tree decorated with gift cards for local merchants and restaurants will be raffled off at 2:00 PM in the Parish Hall. A perfect chance to fund Christmas shopping, or use the cards as gifts themselves. Entries will be sold in the Parish Hall until just prior to the raffle. The winner does not need to be present.
Designer Handbag Silent Auction
A silent auction with high-end Designer Handbags, each filled with a goodie and one with $100, will be held in the Parish Hall. Winner will be announced at 2:00 PM and does not need to be present to win. Bids may be made in the Parish Hall throughout the Bazaar.
Hamburger and hotdog lunches will be served in the Parish Hall beginning at 11:15 AM. No need to buy your tickets early this year, just come hungry.
The Plant Booth
Need some plants? Want to learn more about plants? Our plant booth will include exotic, flowering, healthy and beautiful species. The plant booth has been a long-time favorite at St. Thomas’s Bazaar, for a reason! The Plant Booth will be located outside of Wisdom Hall.
Christmas Decorations & Trees
Dazzling and elegantly wrapped Christmas Gifts can be purchased in Wisdom Hall for only $5.00, treat your guests with a unique surprise. In addition, local businesses have decorated Christmas trees which will be for sale. See what charming decorating ideas our local business have come up with!
The Gift Shop
Our Traditional Gift Shop will be open in Chappell Hall with a large selection of religious jewelry and collectable pieces. Also, craft supplies for those crafty people will be available for purchase.
The Craft Store
In addition to crafting supplies in the Gift Shop, holiday crafts worthy of Etsy will be available for purchase in Chappell Hall. These aren’t your grandma’s crafts!
Bill's Bargain Basement
Bill has cleaned out the basement and the attic, he has gathered-together a collection of collectables. Come see and experience Bill’s Bargains in the grassy area between the church and Wisdom Hall and in the basement.
We will have live entertainment throughout the day located on Salem Street, which will be shut down to vehicle traffic. Come hear some incredible musicians perform.
Children's Face Painting
Children’s face painting by local artists will be available for free in the breeze way between the church and Wisdom Hall.
Bazaar Hours
Saturday October 29th
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Plaque Dedication
10:00 AM at the Church
Live Auction
10:30 AM outside Parish Hall
Historic Church Tours
11:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 1:00 PM starting outside the Church
Hot Dogs & Hamburgers
11:15 AM inside Parish Hall
Scarecrow Contest Winners
1:30 PM outside the Thrift Shop
Raffle & Silent Auction Winners
2:00 PM inside Parish Hall
Bazaar Information
Tel: 352-357-4358
Parking is available in the School Parking lot.