‘I feel the regular, steady, docile practice of corporate worship is of utmost importance for the building-up of your spiritual life…no amount of solitary reading makes up for humble immersion in the life and worship of the Church’.
– Evelyn Underhill, Letters
We currently gather Sunday morning at 9:30 AM, followed by a fellowship time in the Parish Hall. The Sunday Mass is family friendly, and children are welcome. The organist provides music, and September to June (Holy Cross Day through Trinity Sunday) the choir helps to lead our singing. The Mass runs just over an hour. On special occasions, the Sunday Mass may begin later, often if there is a luncheon to follow. Please check the notices for adjusted times!
In addition, Mass is offered every Thursday at 10:00 am in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels with special intercessory prayers for the needs of the church and the world, as well as the laying on of hands and anointing of the sick. This is sometimes referred to as a healing mass. It is quite appropriate for anyone who is ill, but is also a wonderful time in which parishioners faithfully gather to pray for others who are sick, and to bring their needs before God.
Daily Office
Morning Prayer is offered Mondays through Thursdays at 8:30 AM in the Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels. This simple said service of the word, which focuses on the recitation of Psalms and the reading of Scripture alongside prayers to offer meaningful worship to God at the beginning of the day. It generally lasts between 20 – 30 minutes.
Holy Days & Special Acts of Devotion
Mass is also offered as announced on Holy Days of the Church year. Holy Days are days that seek to commemorate the lives of saints as well as events in the life of Christ. They draw us more deeply into Christ’s incarnate ministry, as well as more deeply into the life of the Church and the Communion of Saints of which all Christians are a part.
Throughout the year, additional times of worship and special acts of devotion are available, especially during Lent and Holy Week.
Holy Days and any other special acts of devotion are announced in the Sunday announcements and in the Thursday email blast. They are also announced on our Facebook page.